Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

只需三个学期即可获得ESL课程专家认证或TESOL Master’s degree in just five semesters, in our new seven-week format. The 30-credit 教育学硕士,主修向其他国家的人教授英语 语言(TESOL)将使教育工作者有资格教母语不是英语的人 English. Graduates will be prepared to instruct and serve as administrators in K-12 School districts or abroad.

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Program Snapshot

Program Type Format Credit Hours
Master's Degree Online 30

Why Study TESOL at Wilkes?

世界上的语言越来越多样化,对语言的需求也在不断增长 具备英语作为第二语言教学培训和经验的教师; both in the K-12 and international market. Projected through 2030, jobs in the TESOL/ESL fields are expected to increase by 11 to 14%.

拥有TESOL硕士学位将极大地扩展你的职业机会,开放 doors to teaching in a variety of domestic and international settings. Explore pathways 在K-12教室、社区学院、大学或政府部门工作 organizations.

TESOL国际协会的立场是,教育学硕士 具有TESOL(或相关领域)专业的学生被认为是教学的最终学位 positions in English as a second, foreign, or additional language. Having a master's 获得TESOL学位意味着在该领域有充分准备和适当训练的专业人士.

What Will You Learn as a TESOL Student?

  • 你将学习到第二语言学习和教学的各种方法,以及如何学习 将其应用于学习者的个人需求,无论是在美国的K-12学校.S. 其次是如何制定、设计、教学和评估 语言课程计划和课程设置要帮助学生习得必不可少的第二语言 language skills.
  • 你会在语言学术语,第二语言评估,  第二语言课堂中的跨文化交际与语用理论 并学会评价最新的理论建构和研究成果 areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
  • 你将研究和应用第二语言习得和社会语言学的理论, 以课程策划、课堂教学、课程开发、方案开发为主 并进行评估,以及第二语言教学大纲设计、需求分析、课程设置 design, and assessment techniques.
  • 你将把科技和计算机辅助语言学习纳入课程规划 并学习如何评估其他第二语言专业人士,并建立强大的第二语言 language programs.

感谢您对推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜研究生教育项目的兴趣! To learn more about our program please complete the form. If you have questions, or wish to discuss your education goals, please contact:

Erin Heffron

Program Highlights

Actionable Insights

该计划保持了一个强大的重点,采取最新的理论在该领域 second language teaching and learning, and applying them to practice. Specially crafted 实地体验也使学生能够把他们在课堂上学到的东西付诸实践 apply it immediately.

Experienced Faculty

我们的TESOL专业教师均具有国际和国内教学经验 英语作为第二语言和外语,是高素质的专家 field, and all are proficient in a second language themselves.

Diverse Experiences

无论你是渴望扩展你作为K-12教师的技能,还是追求职业生涯 在国际教学中,推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜设计了我们的课程来满足独特的目标 of every student. You’ll learn alongside educators both here and abroad.

Meet the Demand

把英语作为第二语言教学的需求在快速增长. Wilkes' 全在线TESOL课程将让您与紧密联系的教师社区一起学习, 教师和学生学习如何有效地教授英语作为第二语言.

Tuition & Aid

2024-25学年教育研究生课程的学费为$571 per credit, or $1,713 per course. Deferment is available for employers who reimburse tuition and financial aid is available for those who qualify.

Careers & Outcomes

我们项目的毕业生将准备在学校教书和担任管理人员 各种各样的教育机构,包括K-12公立学校、学院和大学, community colleges, Intensive English Programs or private language schools. Having 向其他语言的人教授英语的高级培训也开放了 在私营企业工作的机会,参与商业赞助的英语项目, both in the U.S. and internationally.

雇主:北安普顿社区学院、日本立命馆亚太大学、 贝里克地区高中,阿伦敦地区学区,费城地区学校 District, Hazleton Area School District,  U.S. Government

职位:英语教学教材编写者、英语教学教材编辑、K-12英语教学 管理员,私人教师,ESL/TESOL项目主管,英语作为外语 Instructor

Wilkes Connects With Japanese Educators Online During Pandemic  

从已发表的文章中了解更多推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜与玉川大学的合作关系 in The Sankei News external website (translated into English using Google Translate).

Certificate Only Option (Non-Degree Seeking)

拥有教学证书的宾夕法尼亚州教师可以获得ESL课程 通过完成硕士项目的前五门课程,获得专家称号; and 60 hours of field experience. Field experiences are structured by the course instructor 并允许全职教师轻松满足必要的要求. All field experiences take place live.

Please note that the ESL Program Specialist certification is not a stand-alone instructional certificate in Pennsylvania因此,你必须拥有教育学学士学位,并获得全面认证 teacher in the State of PA to obtain this certification. Upon successful completion 前五门课程,无论你是否继续攻读硕士学位, 你可透过TIMS向专业发展专员公署申请专家资格 system.

学生,没有教学一级或二级认证的资格 成功修毕前五门课程后,获发认可信.